No, I’m not going to go out of my way to figure out if Shinku has all those female bits. She’s a doll, people. Give it up already! I do feel bad about Shion and Rika, Lizlet and Kuesu, and Yukari and Mizore getting the short end of the pixel.
Now, go listen to Oshichauzo!!〘押しちゃうぞ!!〙, and then, give me crap for not figuring out how to get Arifureta in there.
———————— incoming are more personal updates, etc.
Finally, I’d like to take a second to express some meaningful words of another order: I’m very sorry to all those who got roped into my very stressful hospital stay. At least eight people took it poorly, and that’s my fault obviously.
Simply, I was doing everything in my power to not have a mental breakdown, and that meant riding the high of a much more fascinating world than it really is too long. As far as I’m concerned, it was for survival that I went into the deep end more, and I bit the backlash for it, definitely.
I came out with a need for another medication to treat what are known as pseudo-seizures (I forget if I’d already mentioned that on this website). Sorry if I’m repeating myself.
I’ll tell you something: It’s really something else to have something that’s obviously happening to you (pseudo-seizures) and seemingly no one taking you seriously. (I even got security called on me for giving another patient a hug!) Honestly, I have so many shit memories from that stay, and being treated like an asshole the entire time really made me wonder what the fuck I was doing wrong.
I expect normies to not give a fuck what happens to a lolicon, but guess what! Normies aren’t my gang to begin with, so fuck all y’all!
Now that the dust has settled some, I’d like to make it clear: I’m trying my best to stay among the living again—back/neck issues willing—and there’s some light I’d stumbled onto, too: A new exercise I can do with my voice in efforts of getting back my singing voice, though I am a long fucking way off from that, so don’t stick around holding your breath expecting it’ll happen in my lifetime!
There’s probably a saying by someone to the effect of ‘Treasures are found at the ends of a man’s various miseries.’
As far as I’m concerned, the people who were supposed to be supporting me betrayed me. And that has wounded me greatly. (I need to carry around these three dice now because they comfort me.) There, among a select few other choice words (I’d have with them if I had it in me to not avoid conflict), there, I would find the answers to all the shit I’d stirred up.
When I get Jupiter’s moons to line up so perfectly again, you’ll see a new post on my website! Huzzah!