Hello all and welcome!
Imagine a train sitting on railroad tracks. Now, rather than the tracks supporting the train, instead the tracks thrust out from underneath the train. This is, essentially, the vision someone may have to describe ‘skipping of the voice’.
(Ctrl + F > ‘skip’ here: https://curtis-experience.net/2022/08/23/vst-final-edit/. Refer back to this body of text for the little-more concerning data on skipping the voice.)
Don’t—and I repeat, don’t move focus away from the center of origin! The origin of utilization for the voice! The very place is natural to speak!
But once you are sure—once you are absolutely positive—after months, if not years of training (Ctrl + F > ‘glottal stop’ in the aforementioned body of text), try initiating the voice and pushing at the same time.
Remember all that I’ve spoken of in these relevant VST papers!
No! There is no guarantee! You must meet the criteria set by nature’s awesome law first (and I believe it high time to give it a name): ‘Copley’s Theshold’; that threshold that perhaps some of the population have already passed. (I say this without any true certainty).
Fear of voice – The makings of irony
I stood for a long time in the dark. The closer I [ultimately] came to understanding, the more I grew fearful. ‘THE VOICE!’, I scream. Terrified—with two conditions arousing, agitated and continuing whenever found to be in use or during my toiling.
I hated it, but I needed to know and understand! The persisting paid off; it also destroyed me. The back, in shambles from collateral discovery and some brand of stupidity. Undoubtedly, a topic to be revisited at a later time….
Just explain to me the significance of burning in the mouth, throat, and later, the eyes! It’s absurd how fright makes for the onset of physiological symptoms a real thing!
Well, forgive me. I don’t mean to put one over on you and lump them together!
One would arise in everyday speech; the other arising during my training, exploration sessions.
Yes; and it became chronic, the burning. I hated it, but I was terrified the voice wore out.
While this is definitely the reason for my breakthrough, it bothers me: the situation, however transparent [now], was a great source of fatigue – causing great strain and worry most of my 20th year. I’m sure if my memory was as sharp as it once was, I’d be able to tell you earnestly, ‘It was actually most my late teens and 20th year’.
The second condition was more of a ‘level’; you reached it with the help of music, the weight of the voice (its states), and drive during a walk.
I used to think, ‘This is getting mighty close multiple personality disorder’, due to how separate I felt from my own self during these times of labour.
Chalk it up to insecurity and known fears that I never attempted to achieve this level of concentration without music.
The weight of it all….
You’d be surprised how heavy the voice is; and you wouldn’t know unless you lost a good chunk of it.
Is it heavy, or is it thick?
Damn. I miss my voice.