There are wacky ideas I’d had in the past. There are two I’d like to name here:
• Self penis growth
• Self eye ‘fix’
It may come as a surprise. I haven’t emerged unscathed from wacky ideas in my life. Perhaps there’ll be a time when I really delve into what my thoughts and logic were regarding these items, but essentially, to the first, I thought for sure you could reach far back enough to access the ‘root growing’ place within the penis! To the second, because my eyesight was getting worse, I figured it made sense to take its health into my own hands and meditate on force within the eyes to achieve a beneficial result.
Neither of these ideas came to fruition. To the former, I gave up out of frustration, and it turned out that I had been controlling the muscle way back there, and in so doing, was filling my member with more blood than it would normally! The latter fell flat because no matter how much constant pressure on my eye I placed, my vision continued to get worse, and it was not until some time later that I was educated to the reality: that my corneas had lost their integrity!
I am not particularly proud of these achievements. My grandmother used to regularly bring up a writing I made on eyesight and pressure, and that was somewhat of a sore spot for awhile, honestly. It seems now she’s aware that that was a bottomless pit of intention without any notable gains.
Along with these wacky ideas, there was collateral damage, but well… I just hope those affected are living regular lives without feeling weighed down by ‘lost’ opportunity. That is the sentiment I’d like to put out there, save for the ex-roomate, ex-bandmate, (definitely) ex-friend who stole most the band merch I owned from me.
That was a dick move, Mr. Sager. Mr. Taylor, I hope you enjoyed wearing my Queensrÿche tee out in public. Fuckin’ kleptomaniacs… Yea, you think I didn’t know it was you that stole my brand new mic right from under me… Yea, I didn’t know at first. You got away with that shit. Hope it made you feel good getting back at me for whatever the fuck I did to you.
Of course, I know nothing about the psychology of kleptomaniacs. I’ll bet they steal just to steal. Whatever. Is this me deflecting away and trying to steer the conversation away from my embarrassing past ideas? My bad.
Hope ya’ll get a chuckle out of my failures! Thanks for reading!