
病理医の目によるCOVID (COVID Through a Pathologist’s Eye in Japanese: Ryan Cole on DarkHorse)

すみません。私には、このドキュメントの文章をプレーンテキストで投稿する視力と忍耐力がありません。 これはポッドキャストエピソードの公式翻訳ではありません!私は助けを雇った独立した市民です。 このページの翻訳は MTL です。ドキュメントはそうではありません。

Sorry. I don’t have the eyesight and patience to take the writing in this document and post it in plain text.

This is not an official translation of the podcast episode! I am an independent citizen who’d hired help.

The translation on this page is an MTL. The document is not.


When someone asks a certain question.


Confessions of a Borderlands Junkie

To the best of my recollection, 60% of my guns and shields legitimately spawned in the game. Couldn’t remember what backpack sizes 58s originally had (because I’d played with them at 300 for so long), but there was an attempt later on to thoroughly go through and figure out how much they should’ve had – and did that. Better late than never? It occurred to me one day: Wouldn’t it be fun to try to stay within the bounds of a legit backpack size?

Why did I say 60%? Because while farming at Knoxx’s Armory, 59s, 60s and 61s spawn. A 58 can’t use 59s, 60s, and 61s, so it was necessary to level them down. I’m not going to pretend like I was never greedy for a 58, either. Later, way near the end of my farming runs at Knoxx, I’d roll a 12-sided die and use that to decide what to do. You don’t have to lecture me on why that isn’t a perfect system, either.

Most the loot farmed through Knoxx in the last two years was obtained by 1-shotting Knoxx. If I had the money, I’d have been doing the same thing I was doing when I was playing on the PS3: 2-player game, use Sledge’s Shotgun to land behind the locked door. That was 99.9% of my farming route in those days. Fast-forward to recent days, I didn’t have the money, so I had to make one of those guns.

For what it’s worth, I’d never even picked up a 1-shot gun before. I’m sure, at one point, I’d picked up a chimera before I learned what loot was supposed to look like in the game, though. Always despised 1-shot guns. There’s literally no reason to ever have one. But then, if I wanted to farm at Knoxx, I needed to make one, so there you go.

I can count on one hand the guns I’d changed one or two parts because I was so heartbroken, too. Ever wanted a two-shot brl4 Red Hyperion? Well, with my 2-player game and shotgun in-hand, it extended an olive branch and gave me an AX420.W. Needless to say, a part of me died that day.

By the way, I really don’t know if 60% is accurate. Go farm Knoxx at 58 and make up your own mind.

Obviously, in the last two years, I was doing co-op with ‘four players’. It was when that Torgue Steel Mauler spawned, I thought to myself, ‘Well, I guess that does it!’, and haven’t played since. (Yes, of course, I cycled it in for awhile before putting the game down!) If I recall correctly, it was a 61.

There was a brief time (three to six months circa 2010), when I was passing off even leveled-down guns as legit on the forums. Sorry, I guess. Doubt that’ll make anyone feel better. On the bright side, my conscience eventually did catch up to me!

I don’t know if there’s any Borderlands nerd out there who feels, as I do, that it fucking sucks you can’t uninstall DLC on PC. Constantly having to level myself down is soooooooo absurdly dumb!

Also, there was that one time I gave a gun I’d upgraded the parts on to a random. It wasn’t long after I felt it sucked to have tried on that face. It’s lame shit, dude.


Yea, I’m real sad that post that explained how to get GearCalc on Flash Point is lost to the ages. It wasn’t until I’d had to reinstall Windows that it became clear it worked (it’s a long story). The writing was on the wall they were going to shut down the new forums, but I didn’t feel the urgency. One day, maybe it’ll make its reappearance. Damn, I loved playing with GearCalc again!


I want to put my Skyrim and Borderlands saves online. I think that’d be pretty sweet.

I don’t know what they did right with Borderlands (2009), but fuck, that shit was fun!

Rushing in with the spiderants @ Rust Commons West (by the cliffside)… Fuckin’ uh… spiderants and scythids @ Rust Commons East. Obviously, Crimson Lance out @ Old Haven gets a shout-out. As a rule of thumb, always start your day with a loadout of shock @ The Descent. Even skags were sometimes fun to wipe out! You know, I could literally just name every location and every mob spawn point, and that still wouldn’t tell you how much fun I had. This game is gold! Really wish I could’ve seen it with a working Vengeance.

Oh yea… I did make a Hornet Dove after around 200 runs (not to be confused with actual Doves). I do think I put in some time; nothing compared to what I’d seen other guys put in, but I did keep farming for it after making it, too! Maybe, really, only 30 or so runs, if I’m going to be honest…

Oh yea… I’m not even close to trying to fool you saying this: I had farmed up a pt. 2 Savior Bone Shredder after, I kid you not, ~40 runs – but then, lost it because I accidentally overwrote the toon somehow. I don’t remember exactly how it happened, sadly, but I did go and make a pt. 1 variant out of spite, and played with that a little. Put it on a new Lilith with (yes, a legit) Mercenary w/ regen. Had some good fun seeing how long I could go without needing to use anything else.

I put some stupid amount of time into farming in this game. You want to know how many Reapers I seen? Two. And they were like brl0 garbage!

At about this point, you may be wondering, ‘Why the hell were you farming at level 58?’

Easy! 69s have waaaaaaaay too many skill points, man! I don’t want to be a god on Pandora, man! I want to have to really, really, really try to spec the build for how I play! Yea, you could rebut with ‘Just don’t allocate the points, then!’ But my feeling was ‘I didn’t want to have to limit who I could play with (No-DLC Gang) – because I knew all the 69s were always turning up their noses at us 58s. (If you want an honest answer, you’d have to ask me back around 2010, but I do recall there being a mixture of things like believing the retards who’d jump into games 1-shotting everything would prefer to join 69-sessions.)

Lilith > Roland > Mordecai > Brick.

I’d always imagined Mordecai being so much fun for people with good eyesight.

Tormentor (Spark, obvs., mat2) > Gunslinger (never got my hands on a Relentless +4, mat2) > Bombardier (Wide Load, mat3)> Catalyst (because bunnies, mat2) > Ranger (you know I love making it rain, mat don’t matter) > Sniper (4 don’t matter, mat3) > Tempest (Silent Resolve for giggles, mat3) > Heavy Gunner (just have every one of them in case) > Tactician (Quick Charge, mat3). After that, Shock Trooper can be pretty fun with Refire; Phoenix, Firefly, and Mercenary have a place in my heart (especially Phoenix, though bugs hurt); Mat3 Killer Assassin & mat2 Fast Hands Survivor are on my wishlist; If Bombardier weren’t so much fun, I could argue in favour of Blast Master and Titan. Of course, I’ll admit, a Revenge Blast Master is a little fun every now and then. And a Safeguard Titan + Pangolin is pretty good for the giggles!

Pretty well always use Tediore and Anshin. Pangolin are just so damn cool though, and a Muscleman’s all right for those times you want to feel like a powerhouse. There is a part of me that wishes I didn’t lose so much loot when shit got real in ’13 (a bunch of my stuff got destroyed), because I did used to have a perfect mat3 Atlas. Obviously don’t remember what level.

Yea, and that’s about all I can think to put here. Hope you enjoyed the read. If I find I have more things to say about Borderlands, I’ll put it on the site.

PS: Why does the Borderlands fandom not have all the barrels for repeaters and machine pistols? Maybe they’re somewhere else on the website?


A Third Attempt

… is being made to communicate the state of my consciousness (the others were abandoned). Plainly, it appears I have DID (Disassociative Identity Disorder). (Expect this article to meander a bit.)

I’ve arrived at a point where I have realized it doesn’t really matter to me whether my life’s work is adopted en masse. I recently heard about how Carl Jung ordered that his one book, there, be published 50 years (or something) after his passing, so that people took his work seriously.

Don’t get me wrong: I absolutely and totally understand why he asked for that.

Simply, it occurred to me yesterday that the learned I am trying to influence may, in fact, be so glued to their wishy-washy understandings and, thus, ‘We are above reproach!’ that no amount of evidence will convince them of anything. It’s the nature of the beast. Really, it’s the nature of the beast.

Do be aware: I had been aware of the idea of a stubbornness to change that flies in the face of evidence long before the trans ideology coupled itself with the cost-sunk fallacy. Give me empathy points for that one; but topically, it’s one of the analogies. I can think of others.

Have I beat around the bush enough?

I know that it’s DID because of circumstantial evidence (of course): Firstly, during one particular psychosis, I’d arrived at a desire not for the whispers to stop, but that they move elsewhere – which they did; secondly, it was when I’d realized the whispers could be unaware that it were its own personality, the psychosis phenomenon (and all the identifiers signalling its resurgency) ceased.

I’ll leave it up to good-faith psychiatrists and psychologists to piece together this puzzle. ‘Seasoned’ health professionals may not all be a lost and debilitating spirit in the machine, but these people deal with the sick. Something I, too, had been a number of times. With that comes so much room for trauma. (I know of one such psychiatrist who shouldn’t be practicing anymore. She’d long ago become jaded, impairing her judgement; I could see it in her eyes and body language the moment she put me in the box labeled ‘so far gone’. And I knew there was no way to rectify the impression I’d made. Despite being fully aware lapses in memory are normal, after that one appointment, it became very clear very soon a loaded die had been rolled.)

I’ve heard a lot about mental illness cases – and I am aware that the ratio of success cases versus the doomed disproportionately leans in one direction. So, I have no idea how the system can be improved – other than the FDA stopping being captured by the pharmaceutical industry. (After listening to DarkHorse Podcast, the idea that the progress of psychiatric medications haven’t been confused, corrupted, and crippled is so far away in the rear-view mirror that I wonder how I’m not a fucking vegetable right now. Honestly, you take five random reviews on for the drug they had me on and amalgamate: that was me – and somehow, I didn’t have it that bad – if that makes any sense at all…)

‘When people are introduced to issues concerning people, things become complex.’ For what it’s worth, I’ve gotten in the habit of saying this.

When people are introduced to issues concerning people, things become complex.

What do I mean by ‘they moved elsewhere’? It’s very easy to answer that question: I merely preferred that rather than hearing ‘voices’ where they’d sprung up in my psyche, they take a more active role through the mimicking of speech. Imagine going to talk without actually talking or moving the lips or anything like that.

Now, considering the whispers receded in their activity once the change had occurred, what does that mean?

I’ve been off whispers and off medication for over one year now. And no psychosis in sight. Before, I was going through psychosis every year since 2015. Then, in 2022, I realized DID was a possibility, and logically, after much contemplation and experience, figured whispers could be a personality that doesn’t know it is one. Add to the mix it obviously doesn’t know anything you don’t: voila! You get peace of mind, and whispers stop having any integrity. (Definitely fully aware mentioning ‘whispers’ there is ammunition for bad-faith actors, but whatever… I haven’t gone through the trouble of trying to coin a word for the way it works for me.)

And it has been a great boon to my mental health knowing that I may be on to something.

Here’s the bad news:

I’m probably going to be dying pretty soon, here. Probably from exhaustion.

You know, I care not for those who’ve made a caricature of me in their heads and discard what I’d done. Incidentally, real people may be aware: The people who’ll shout ‘Get help!’ aren’t even trying and, really, haven’t figured out the difference between real values and an inclination to hysteria. It doesn’t take a genius to realize the ‘easy’ thoughts you see on social media don’t belong to the demographic I am trying to reach. All you knee-jerkers are free to be unthinking, bought, and ignorant for the rest of your lives. That’s what the MSM, the government, and the ‘advertisers’ who they’re beholden to ask of you. Have at ‘er, bud!

No; there may be a pocket of psychiatrists, doctors, musicians, and nerds—level-headed people, the learned, and wanting-to-learn alike—who may come across these writings of mine.

Yea; I’m probably going to be dying pretty soon, here.

Today was the first day I woke up, went to go sit in the black chair, and was almost immediately hit by this muscular exhaustion I’ve become accustomed to in my neck. There’s a general warm, tired soreness more regularly moving into my back at large, as well.

It’s a terrifying world where a person won’t be taken seriously because of their history with ‘mental illness’.

But I understand that there are people out there with real somatic delusions (technically, I may or may not have had them in a previous psychosis, though no matter how many times I’d asked, I didn’t get a straight answer), and your average doctor figures you don’t know shit about nothing to start with. Sorry to all the average doctors out there that don’t feel this way!

My uncle figures the right time to be is when you’re alive.

Bret Weinstein has talked about how tissue can only suffer so much trauma before it can no longer heal. I don’t know whether the cold and fine sore stinging my shoulder-to-neck muscles exhibit is a result of this, or is the result of falling asleep before they’re finished doing their thing – and thus, cannot completely heal overnight.

All I know is it’s getting worse, and it’s obviously happening earlier. Supplementing with protein appears to not help.

Sincerely, this affliction was crossing into torturous only just so long ago, and now it’s, I fear, going to be only torturous from here on out.

I have wondered of the distinction between suffering and torture.

For those who’ve only seen this article: By the way, this injury that’s brought me here would not have brought me here if it were not for some very outstanding circumstances! For this reason, I wholly understand why aid cannot be attained.

I do fear a future where I cannot lay in a moderately comfy bed only when I’m tired and cannot hop on the computer or sit with my phone when I’m not tired; that’s a kind of cruel and unusual. And I can’t even imagine the cruel and unusual of being forced medications again when I’m alive, here, right now.

I’d heard a lot of talk of Cain and Able through the grapevine. One does wonder about the meaning of sacrifice.

On one hand, I know humanity is finite; on the other, I want to stand with those who have it in them to nurture the present.

Best regards,
Curtis C.

Date finished: 13th of July, 2024.


Back-to-Back Falsettos: A Query to Vocologists

I was inspired by Terrence Howard’s exchange with Eric Weinstein on JRE to take the time to do the next logical thing: put the only surviving recordings of my falsetto, what it was and what it (moodily) ‘can be’, back-to-back. And I threw in a recording done today, just to elaborate on what I mean by ‘moodily’ and ‘can be’.

Doug’s (my second vocal coach) family may still have the backing tracks + vocals going back to the days when he was helping me out. Of course, I don’t mean to assume he has passed, but it has been 15+ years. Wherever he is, I hope he’s doing what he loves doing! (Marvin Gaye – What’s Going On, The Spencer Davis Group – I’m a Man, Marvin Gaye – Funk Me, and The Spencer Davis Group – Midnight Train are all I believe were recorded.)

Have your pick from Rumble and YouTube!

Original recordings where clips are from are stated in video descriptions, but let’s put them here, too, for convenience: ‘Freeform Voice Progress Talk: The Joy of Falsetto’ and ‘The Mutual Re$pect Gang – It Feels Good (to Be Alive). The third appears online only in this video.

Provided you are the least bit piqued, consider reading this article:

Provided you are still hanging on, consider jumping to this page of articles with (most) my inferences, speculations, and conclusions contained therein:

PS: The changing of pitch in the first recorded clip is intentional, though the phenomenon, as a whole, is nothing but apparent when working with so little VE, i.e., it’ll change pitch on its own.


Favourite songs, vol. 0005

Notes and ratings will be found inside a ‘protected’ post released prior to this one. The password is ‘NTHGTHDGDCRTDTRK’. My explanation is, sometimes it’s annoying when you want to just copy and paste everything without all that extra garbage! Expect measured reflections on these songs there.

I was trying my best to be a purist for the first three volumes. The idea was to only highlight songs that are crazy-super-duper-crazy good. Somewhere along the way, I realized this meant the series’ title wasn’t appropriate, and thus, here we are: making lists of crazy-super-duper-crazy-good-but-not-so-crazy-super-duper-crazy-as-the-actual-crazy-super-duper-crazy songs. Not to suggest that some of the songs in vol. 0004 aren’t crazy-super-duper-crazy songs; it’s just an evolving format! Believe in me!

Elmore James – Dust My Broom
Buddy Guy – Pretty Baby
Con Funk Shun – Who Has the Time?
The Controllers – Crushed
Con Funk Shun – All Up to You
Dazz Band – Do It Again
Cameo – Candy (w/o MV)
*One Way – Who’s Fooling Who
The Spinners – Truly Yours
The Chi-Lites – Have You Seen Her? (1980)
Congo – Jackpot
Congo – Days Chasing Days
Keith Hudson – Treasures of the World
Big Wreck – The Pleasure and the Greed
Alton Ellis – I’m Trying
Elmore James – The Sky is Crying
The Ethiopians – Come On Now
Zap-Pow – Sunshine People
The Pioneers – Let Your Yeah Be Yeah
Carl Anderson – Buttercup
Carl Anderson – On & On
Motörhead – Red Raw
Kleeer – It’s Magic
Beres Hammond – Putting Up a Resistance
Beres Hammond – Make Away Sound
Dennis Edwards – Coolin’ Out
Dennis Edwards – State of Limbo
Dennis Edwards – Let’s Go Up
Skyy – Let’s Celebrate
Con Funk Shun – Tears in my Eyes
Fat Larry’s Band – Straight From the Heart
Fat Larry’s Band – Be My Lady
Fat Larry’s Band – Last Chance to Dance
*Alice In Chains – Dirt
Alice In Chains – Nutshell
Soundgarden – The Day I Tried to Live
Alice In Chains – Got Me Wrong
Alice In Chains – Junkhead
Alice In Chains – Bleed the Freak
Big Wreck – Oh My
Big Wreck – Prayer
Big Wreck – Under the Lighthouse
The Chi-Lites – Trouble’s-A-Comin’
Funkadelic – Biological Speculation
Quincy Jones – Things Could Be Worse for Me
Bill Withers – Lonely Town, Lonely Street
Kleeer – Never Cry Again
Carl Anderson – Don’t Make Me Wait
*One Way – Bring It Down
Carl Anderson – Amour
Con Funk Shun – Love’s Train
The O’Jays – La-De-Da
The O’Jays – Feelings
Gary Glitter – (I’m the) Leader of the Gang
Imagination – Just an Illusion
Alice Cooper – Luney Tune
The O’Jays – House of Fire
Ohio Players – Ecstacy
Odyssey – Inside Out
*Odyssey – Native New Yorker
Jerry Butler – Hey Western Union Man
The O’Jays – A Letter to My Friends
The O’Jays – When Will I See You Again
The O’Jays – Summer Fling
*Talk Talk – Living in Another World (Live at Montreux
*Talk Talk – It’s So Serious
Tears For Fears – Mothers Talk
Duran Duran – The Wild Boys
The Village People – My Roomate
Michael Jackson – Blood on the Dance Floor
Local H – No Fun
Priestess – Communicating Via-Eyes
Priestess – No Real Pain
The Smashing Pumpkins – Ava Adore (w/ MV)
Pearl Jam – Deep
*Pearl Jam – Animal
Pearl Jam – Why Go
Soundgarden – Pretty Noose
*Garbage – You Look So Fine
The Tea Party – Release
The Tea Party – Walking Wounded
The Tea Perty – The Messenger
Free – Fire and Water
John Lee Hooker – Mad Man Blues
Alicia Keys – Where Do We Go From Here
The Dogs D’Amour – Mr. Barfly
The Black Halos – Mr. Barfly
Black Flag – Screw the Law
Extreme – No Respect
Queensrÿche – Eyes of a Stranger
Live – T.B.D.
The Controllers – Heaven is Only One Step Away
The Controllers – This Train
*Alton Ellis – I’m Still in Love (With You Girl)
Silverchair – Shade
Geto Boys – Damn It Feels Good to Be a Gangsta (w/o MV)
Insane Clown Posse – Toxic Love
Fat Larry’s Band – Sparkle
Owen Gray & Maximum Breed – Sitting in the Park
Marvin Gaye – I Want You
Curtis Mayfield – I Loved & I Lost
Rusty – Groovy Dead
Nazareth – Beggars Day
*Nazareth – What’s in It For Me
Nazareth – Shanghai’d in Shanghai
The Velvet Underground – Pale Blue Eyes
Billy Idol – Heroin
Kenny Loggins – Danger Zone
Billy Ocean – Red Light Spells Danger
Marcy Playground – A Cloak of Elvenkind
*a-ha – Manhattan Skyline
*Midnite – No Fear No Sorrow
Midnite – Mountains
King Crimson – The Great Deceiver
*Great White – Dead End
John Lee Hooker – Pots On, Gas On High
Judas Priest – Victim of Changes (from Unleashed in the East)
Hüsker Dü – New Day Rising
*Patrice Rushen – Forget Me Nots
*Fonzi Thornton – Sayin’ Goodbye (to Lonely Nites)
*Fonzi Thornton – Be My Baby
Cherrelle – Affair
Cherrelle – 7 Days a Week
*Culture Club – Mystery Boy
*Curtis Hairston – I Want You (All Tonight)
Revolting Cocks – [Let’s Get] Physical
Prince and the Revolution – Purple Rain
The Four Tops – I Can’t Help Myself (Sugar Pie, Honey Bunch)
The Techniques – Queen Majesty
Barney Bentall – Atikokan Annie
*Atlantic Starr – Mystery Girl
Atlantic Starr – Circles
*Pearl Jam – Not For You
*Pearl Jam – Spin the Black Circle
*Pearl Jam – Immortality
Evelyn “Champagne” King – Stop That
*Maurice Gibb – I’ve Come Back
Bobby Womack – Secrets
*Stevie Ray Vaughan and Double Trouble – Tin Pan Alley (Live at Montreux
King Crimson – The Night Watch
The Doors – Love Her Madly
Killing Joke – Majestic
Eddie Cantor – How You Gonna Keep Your Mind on Dancing
Ace of Base – Beautiful Life (w/ MV)
Howlin’ Wolf – Forty Four
*Roy Orbison – Crying (Live at
Traffic – Forty Thousand Headmen
Traffic – Dream Gerrard
Nazareth – Expect No Mercy
*Sam Cooke – That’s Where It’s At
Fat Larry’s Band – How Good is Love
Free – Remember
10 Ft. Ganja Plant – Politricking Man
10 Ft. Ganja Plant – Walkey Walk Tall
*Lead Belly – Midnight Special
*Bush – The Disease of the Dancing Cats
*Bush – Prizefighter
Mudvayne – Nothing to Gein
Stone Temple Pilots – Interstate Love Song
Stevie Ray Vaughan and Double Trouble – Texas Flood
Soundgarden – Burden in My Hand
Mudvayne – -1
Motörhead – Overkill
Motörhead – Iron Horse/Born to Lose
Judas Priest – Turbo Lover
*Howard Jones – New Song
Keith Hudson – Stabiliser
Stevie Ray Vaughan and Double Trouble – Couldn’t Stand the Weather (w/ MV)
Motörhead – Burner
Motörhead – (I Won’t) Pay Your Price
Motörhead – Stone Dead Forever
Marvin Gaye – Chained
Marvin Gaye – Trouble Man
Curtis Mayfield – So in Love
Al Green – Soon As I Get Home
Delegation – Oh Honey
*Talking Heads – Pulled Up
*Talking Heads – The Book I Read
Hall & Oates – Family Man
The Doobie Brothers – Feelin’ Down Farther
AC/DC – Live Wire
AC/DC – If You Want Blood (You’ve Got It)
Ritchie Blackmore’s Rainbow – Tarot Woman
Extreme – Midnight Express
*One Way – My Lady
Con Funk Shun – Nothing to Lose By Trying
King Crimson – Book of Saturday
Creedence Clearwater Revival – Ramble Tamble
Chuck Berry – School Day (Ring Ring Goes the Bell)
Stray Cats – Lust ‘N’ Love
*Mtume – Metal Flake Mind
Black Sabbath – Symptom of the Universe
Voivod – Clouds in My House
Clinton Fearon & Boogie Brown Band – Blood For Blood
Marvin Gaye – In Our Lifetime
Moist – Gasoline
*New Order – Vanishing Point
Congo – Youth Man
*Blondie – Rip Her to Shreds
Billy Bragg – Waiting For the Great Leap Forwards
The Wallflowers – 6th Avenue Heartache
*Ministry – Bad Blood
(x2) Beres Hammond – Make Away Sound
Capleton – Fire Ago Burn Dem
Rush – Anthem
*Bush – Greedy Fly
Kleeer – I Still Love You
*Dayton – So What
Breaking Benjamin – Natural Life
Insane Clown Posse – Night of the Axe
Faith No More – Naked in Front of the Computer
*Kevin Coyne – Talking to No One
Pearl Jam – Nothing As It Seems
*Neil Young – Vampire Blues
*Dave Barker – Just My Imagination
Bukka White – Good Gin Blues
Golden Earring – Vanilla Queen
Dio – I Could Have Been a Dreamer (w/ MV)
Filter – Where Do We Go From Here?
*Nazareth – Claim to Fame
*Howlin’ Wolf – Don’t Laugh at Me (Live at
*L.A. Boppers – La La Means I Love You
*Change – The Glow of Love
Insane Clown Posse – Bugz on My Nutz
Nazareth – Viligante Man
Beck – Truckdrivin Neighbors Downstairs (Yellow Sweat)
Sam Cooke – Somewhere There’s a Girl
Insane Clown Posse – Pass Me By
Black Flag – Police Story (w/ Chavo)
(2x) Delegation – Oh Honey
(2x) King Crimson – Book of Saturday
One Way – Didn’t You Know It
Big Wreck – Blown Wide Open
The Chi-Lites – A Letter to Myself
The Chi-Lites – Half-A-Love
Golden Earring – Ce Soir (Kill Me)
Marvin Gaye – Please Don’t Stay (Once You Go Away)
The Spencer Davis Group – Keep on Running
*Blue Öyster Cult – Transmaniacon MC
The Doobie Brothers – What a Fool Believes
Kleeer – Hunger For Your Love
*Claudio Simonetti – I Love the Piano
Oliver Cheatham – Get Down Saturday Night
Queensrÿche – Neue Regel
*Queensrÿche – Walk in the Shadows
*Queensrÿche – Promised Land
Yes – Astral Traveller
Bad Brains – Big Take Over
Ministry – Dead Guy
Molly Hatchet – Bounty Hunter
Radiohead – A Wolf at the Door
Radiohead – (Nice Dream)
Tool – Third Eye
Peach – You Lied
Nirvana – Scentless Apprentice
*Rare – Chicago Stealth「Perfect Dark (Dual CD Soundtrack)」
Philip Glass; Uakti – Águas da Amazonia: Japurá River
*Traffic – (Sometimes I Feel So) Uninspired (Live at
Traffic – When the Eagle Flies
The Spencer Davis Group – Midnight Train
The Cadillacs – Speedo
The Tragically Hip – Long Time Running
The Tragically Hip – Locked in the Trunk of a Car
The Tragically Hip – Grace, Too (w/ MV)
RΞOL – 404 Not Found
Reol – 金字塔
Reol – ゆーれいずみー
きのこ帝国 – ロンググッドバイ
サカナクション – 新宝島 (w/ MV)
Reol – ヒビカセ (w/ MV)
Jaguar – Raw Deal
Judas Priest – Raw Deal
*War – Why Can’t We Be Friends?
Geto Boys – Damn It Feels Good to Be a Gangsta (w/ MV)
De La Soul – A Rollerskating Jam Named “Saturdays”
WC – Just Clownin’
Con Funk Shine – Loveshine
Con Funk Shun – Got to Be Enough
The Velvet Underground – Heroin
Reol – ダリ
Chevelle – Family System
Chevelle – Forfeit
Insane Clown Posse – Santa’s a Fat Bitch
Smiley Lewis – Blue Monday
Fat Larry’s Band – Like to Get to Know You Better
*Rob Zombie – Living Dead Girl (w/ MV)
The Church – Reptile (w/ MV)
Dayton – So What
Leonard Cohen – Iodine
JF Murphy & Salt – If Wishes Were Horses
Maze Featuring Frankie Beverly – Changing Times
Dazz Band – Carry On
Dazz Band – Gamble With My Love
Owen Gray – Too Experienced
George McCrae – Rock Your Baby
Rusty – It’s Christmas Time (and I’m Poor)
The Verse – The Rolling People
The Congos – Children Crying
The Congos – Solid Foundation
Muddy Waters – Got My Mojo Working
The Black Eyed Peas – Let’s Get Retarded
*Gnarls Barkley – Crazy (w/ MV)
Hamilton Leithauser + Rostam – A 1000 Times (w/ MV)
Tame Impala – Let It Happen (w/ MV)
Daft Punk – Get Lucky ft. Pharrell Williams, Nile Rodgers (w/ MV)
The Weeknd – Starboy ft. Daft Punk
The Weeknd – Blinding Lights
Nine Inch Nails – We’re in This Together
Ministry – Warp City
*The Cure – A Forest
Sam Cooke – Chain Gang
Hot Chocolate – Every 1’s a Winner
The Cult – 83rd Dream
The Cult – Real Grrrl
Traci Lords – Control (Juno Reactor Instrumental)
Loudon Wainwright III – Black Uncle Remus
Johnny Cash – Stampede
Headstones – Teeth & Tissue
Sublime – What I Got
Godsmack – Moon Baby
Monster Magnet – Silver Future
Them – It’s All Over Now, Baby Blue
Linx – Throw Away the Key
Stone Temple Pilots – Sex Type Thing
Roxy Music – Sentimental Fool
Sonic Youth – (She’s in a) Bad Mood
Cake – The Distance
Violent Femmes – Add It Up
Pixies – Hey
Pixies – Tame
AFI – Totalimmortal
The Righteous Brothers – Unchained Melody
Billy Talent – Try Honesty
Tom Waits – Oily Night
Godley and Creme – Sleeping Earth
Foghat – Ride, Ride, Ride
Dennis Brown – Silhouette
Stealers Wheel – Blind Faith
Seal – Don’t Cry
Placebo – Sleeping With Ghosts
Orgy – Pantomime
*Killing Joke – The Fall of Because
Jethro Tull – Aqualung
Richie Havens – Freedom (Live at Woodstock 1969)
The Doors – The Crystal Ship
Grand Funk Railroad – Feelin’ Alright
Faith No More – Caffeine
Audioslave – I am the Highway
Reol – ロストワンの号哭 (w/ MV)
Belvedere – Lemmings
Beatsteaks – Fake
*Lord Creator – Big Bamboo
The Talbot Brothers – Gonna Cut You With the Razor
*Darren Mitchell – Ancient City「Turok: Dinosaur Hunter (Original N64 Soundtrack)」
Albert Collins – Put the Shoe on the Other Foot (Live at
Dire Straits – In the Gallery
*Hawkwind – The Psychedelic Warlords (Disappear in Smoke)
Deep Purple – Burn
*Boston – More Than a Feeling
Journey – Of a Lifetime
Foreigner – Cold as Ice
Godley and Creme – Cry
*Larry Graham – Hold Up Your Hand
Luther Vandross – Don’t You know That?
クリープハイプ – 欠伸 (w/ MV)
Al Green – Love and Happiness
*Bachman-Turner Overdrive – Thank You For the Feelin’
David Ruffin – Walk Away From Love
Al Green – How Can You Mend a Broken Heart
Isley Jasper Isley – Caravan of Love
The Commodores – Just to Be Close to You
Iggy Pop & the Stooges – Search and Destroy
Black Flag – TV Party
Eddie Cantor – Give Me the Sultan’s Harem (Won’t You Give That Harem to Me?)
Eddie Cantor – Don’t Put a Tax on the Beautiful Girls (Emerson, I guess)
Yellowman – Zungguzungguguzungguzeng
The Maytals – “5446” Was My Number
The S.O.S. Band – S.O.S. (Dit Dit Dit Dat Dat Dat Dit Dit Dit)
The S.O.S. Band – Take Your Time (Do It Right)
*Alton Ellis With Tommy McCook & the Supersonics – Breaking Up
*Mike Remedios – Fist of Fury
Freeez – I.O.U.
The Whispers – Bingo
The Whispers – I Only Meant to Wet My Feet
Taylor Dayne – Tell It to My Heart (w/ MV)
Warren G – Regulate
Thelma Houston – You Used to Hold Me So Tight
Red Rider – Crack the Sky (Breakaway)
The Psychedelic Furs – Love My Way
The Pioneers – Pusher Man
The Pioneers – Baby Can I Change My Mind
Fat Larry’s Band – Hit Man
Haddaway – What is Love
Loverboy – Turn Me Loose
Oliver Anthony – Rich Men North of Richmond
T.S. Monk – Too Much Too Soon
y-d – 「Give It Up to the G’s」 album added because
Lipps Inc. – Funkytown
Don Henley – The Boys of Summer (w/ MV)
The Chi-Lites – You’re No Longer Part of My Heart
The Pioneers – Higher and Higher
The Gaylads – I Wear My Slanders
The Gaylads – Over the Rainbow’s End
Midnite – Southeastern Moon
Midnite – Thank You Lord
Capleton – Praises to the King
Depeche Mode – Enjoy the Silence
Black Sabbath – Dirty Women
Tonic – If You Could Only See (w/ MV)
Skinny Puppy – Double Cross
A Perfect Circle – The Noose
A Perfect Circle – Gravity
Bush – Comedown
Modjo – Lady (Hear Me Tonight)
Cameo – Candy (w/ MV)
Nine Inch Nails – Piggy (Live at

* Denotes playlist has unofficial upload (for one or more reasons), playlist has remastered version, info needs to be filled in, and/or info is so scarce or ambiguous, it’s hard to know for sure what’s right. (Apologies to everyone who knows how asterisks are supposed to work! For the sake of making it easier on myself (using my shit-vision card again, I know!), they’ll be preceding, perhaps even, indefinitely…)

‘(2x)’: A 2nd copy is there because YouTube playlists are hard to manage when they get this big! Didn’t bother adding the signifier where MV and non-MV version are purposely included.


Protected: Favourite songs, vol. 0005: Full Notes & Ratings Version

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YouTube Gacha Game

‘Gacha’ because lottery or slots isn’t trendy anymore.

I’ll let the winners speak for themselves!

I do apologize that I don’t have more to offer, but you don’t pull SSR ☆☆☆☆☆s every day.

Art Being

Such thoughts retrieved from the back burner: Bloom Into You

I have no choice but to assert part of its profundity is consequence of the content it’s become, but even so, when considering how Japanese often omits pronouns, you come to realize these three words aren’t all that you’re looking at. Even when taken at face value, how much can be gleaned from their togetherness.

I have no choice in the matter! This is a beautiful series of words!

Especially when life’s theme is a series of conversations to which we only can fill in the blanks, an interpretation carries the weight of folly. For this reason, I’d a vanishing interest in that of words in music (check chronology). Yet, like any self-respecting rule of thumb, I find exceptions between the cracks.

With that out of the way, a meandering is on the way (feel free to agree this should have been put into a separate work):

I’d like to be able to keep a lid on fascination. When I think about adoration, I realize it’s intrapersonal – and that keeps it measured, I’m sure. I have my idols who’ve all passed now. But I don’t think the point of fandom, broadly speaking, is to change them. If celestial bodies do indeed align, connecting an artist to his fan, surely, the point is to appreciate you’re both aiming for the same thing.

I do say ‘idol’, but honestly, I don’t really know what that means. That said, I do think I did have it right during their lifetimes. I wanted to meet them; that’s probably an idol, yea?

But yea… that’s about it for today!

Hope all you folks fangirling are doing well!


No title.

Please try to explain it away. I see what my eyes see. I hear conversations that make sense, even if I’m not able to parrot the points made in future conversations. What does that mean?

Beginning from top left: 2020-02-xx – 2020-03-xx, 2020-03-xx – 2020-04-xx; 2021-02-xx – 2021-03-xx, 2021-03-xx – 2021-04-xx. Pulled from

What do you see? I can tell you what I see: I see bigger numbers when (presumably) SARS-CoV-2 reaches Japan; I see bigger numbers after mRNA shots had been distributed. What does that mean?

I’d dipped my toes into the mRNA-critical spheres nearly two years ago (check timeline). (For what it’s worth, these people, ranging from teachers to scientists to doctors, rather don’t trip any red flags (in relation to integrity and credibility) with their body language, cadences, and choices of words.) Personally, I’ve grown more and more convinced since that day. These folks are working with what they know, are sincere, and have had their reputations destroyed by entities that exercise generous helpings of apathy, greed, and dignity preservation. I’d heard of the sunk-cost fallacy, as a teen, years ago too. How that plays a part isn’t something I struggle to comprehend either.

Consider viewing this interview:

Something in me snapped when Anime News Network posted this tweet on the 15th of June (today):

R.I.P., Sano Nami.

Does the anime fan even know? Will he ever comprehend what kind of loss this is? I was in la-la land until six o’clock this morning, trying to pretend like the authors, illustrators, voice actors—artists, the people who made this happen—were somehow impervious to the warping of ‘help’. I deliberately didn’t look. But now that I’ve seen, bottling up this feeling doesn’t feel right. This is how I’ll grieve, with my fingers on my keyboard, and my tears rolling down my face.